Campagne Le Sport Heureux – Happy Sport Campaign

*English text will follow

Une priorité pour toute communauté

L’accès à des activités sportives et récréatives est une priorité pour toute communauté qui vise la santé et le bien-être de ces citoyens, de leur petite enfance jusqu’à leur âge dorée. Que ce soit la possibilité d’apprendre à nager pour un nouvel arrivant, ou à retrouver ses amis pour un après-midi d’été à la piscine au soleil, une piscine extérieure est un espace incontournable de sport, de détente, et de rassemblement. C’est un symbole même de l’insouciance et de plaisir que nous réserve l’été après nos hivers rugueux!

Une collaboration communautaire

Ce n’est donc pas surprenant que Les amis de la piscine Happyland se réunissent pour sauver la piscine extérieure de Happyland d’une fermeture imminente et œuvrent pour lui redonner vie pour l’été 2024. Ainsi, les familles et les associations des quartiers avoisinants pourront de nouveau profiter d’elle. Piscine connue et aimée par les membres de ces quartiers traditionnellement francophones, elle mérite le coup de pouce que cette campagne lui offre. La campagne est soutenue par Réseau Compassion et Francofonds, parmi d’autres. Nous accueillons avec gratitude votre soutien et vos dons. Tout don de plus de 10$ donnera lieu à un reçu fiscal.

Vous pouvez aussi faire un don par chèque (au nom de Francofonds inc.) ou par e-transfer (à [email protected]). Nous rajouterons votre don manuellement à la plateforme. Veuillez bien indiquer le nom de la campagne Le sport heureux.  Enfin, pour recevoir votre reçu fiscal, merci de nous communiquer votre adresse courriel et votre adresse postale. Notre adresse pour tout dépôt ou envoi de chèque est: Francofonds, 205 bd Provencher, bureau 101, Winnipeg MB R2H 0G4.

Les fonds serviront à soutenir les opérations de la piscine Happyland ainsi que toute activité permettant de faciliter l’accès aux sports et aux activités récréatives au plus grand nombre de personnes de notre communauté.

Nous vous remercions de tout cœur pour votre générosité!

A priority for the community

Access to sports and recreational activities is a priority for any community that aims for the health and well-being of its citizens, from their early childhood to their golden years. Whether it is the opportunity to learn to swim for a newcomer, or to meet friends for a summer afternoon at the swimming pool in the sun, an outdoor swimming pool is an essential space for sport, relaxation, and gathering. It is a symbol of the carefreeness and pleasure that summer has in store for us after our harsh winters!

An organised collaboration by the community

It is therefore not surprising that The Friends of Happyland Pool are coming together to save the Happyland outdoor swimming pool from imminent closure and are working to bring it back to life for the summer of 2024. Thus, families and associations from neighboring neighborhoods will be able to enjoy the pool again. A swimming pool known and loved by members of these traditionally French-speaking neighborhoods, it deserves the support that this campaign offers. The campaign is supported by Réseau Compassion and Francofonds, among others. We gratefully welcome your support and donations. Any donation over $10 will result in a tax receipt.

You can donate online by clicking the link below. Donations are also accepted by cheque or e-transfer (to [email protected]) Cheques should be made out to Francofonds inc. Please note the Happy Sport Campaign in the subject line.  Please provide your personal address as well as your email address so that a tax receipt can be issued to you if a donation is over ten dollars.

The funds will be used to support sports and recreational activities in the community, with a priority of supporting the operations of the Happyland swimming pool in Saint-Boniface.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated!


We’re so grateful to the community for coming together to prevent the demolition of this iconic, long-standing facility for another year so that:

  • Local families and residents will have uninterrupted free access to an outdoor pool in the summer ahead,
  • Consultation with the community can take place to gain a better idea of long-term priorities and proposals for access to aquatic structures,
  • A grounded proposal can be constructed for the mid-term operations of Happyland pool until its replacement might be built.

Community Champions All Friends of Happyland Pool

South St. Boniface Residents’ Association is a strong voice for local neighbours most impacted by the pool’s positive presence. They are joined by the Association des résidents du vieux St. Boniface who value the work done for and by local residents. Also active is the Communities Raising Concerns for Liveability group.

Major donors reflect the diversity among supporters who are passionate about community well-being as well as grounded in the realities of both cost benefits and societal benefits of ensuring equitable access to sports and recreation. They include:

Study after study reinforces that physical activity for children can only have positive outcomes in their
development, both physically and mentally. The Red River Métis are hard-working and productive,
contributing greatly to the wellbeing and success of our great city. However, not all Red River Métis have the means to keep kids active in the summer months. The supply of free open-air pools has, therefore, been a great advantage for families who want to see their children thrive and be happy.Winnipeg Region, MMF

Other champions who have voiced their support include AMICAL, Coopérative La Crémerie Housing Coop, CDEM (Conseil de développement économique du Manitoba), le CSFM, and many businesses along Marion St. 

The Campaign in the Press 

  • Winnipeg Free Press, 2024-04-22 Closing Happyland Pool doesn’t make anybody happy
  • Winnipeg Free Press, 2024-04-13 Thousands raised in Happyland’s defence

Every dollar that is donated or pledged is a demonstration of a community’s commitment to making our Winnipeg neighbourhoods happy and healthy places to live!